Congressman Mark Green Expresses Concern over Further Commitment to World Health Organization

Congressman Mark Green (R-TN-07) sent a letter to President Joe Biden and expressed concern over any commitments to the World Health Organization (WHO) that may violate the Constitution’s Treaty Clause.

According to the Constitution, lawmakers have the power to ratify any treaties negotiated by the president.

The letter comes as reports have suggested delegates are expected to vote to expand the power of the WHO.

“I write to express concern about your Administration’s efforts to deepen America’s involvement in the World Health Organization. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the deep corruption of this international organization, which colluded with the Chinese Communist Party to downplay the initial outbreak of the virus and further assisted the CCP in restricting investigations into the origins of the pandemic,” part of the letter reads.

“I would remind your Administration that the executive does not have the constitutional authority to commit the United States to a binding treaty without the advice and consent of the Senate. While the President holds the authority to negotiate treaties with foreign powers, the Constitution requires the Senate to concur before any treaties are binding on the American people. This is an essential safeguard that the Framers established in Article II of the Constitution as limiting executive power.”

Furthermore, the WHO has received backlash for its actions throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Because of the criticism, former President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the group. However, President Biden rejoined shortly after taking office.

“It is the height of foolishness that the Biden Administration would even consider any further commitments to the World Health Organization, an institution that worked in concert with the Chinese Communist Party to deflect the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is unacceptable,” Rep. Green added in a statement.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “World Health Organization Building” by Yann Forget. CC BY-SA 3.0.



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5 Thoughts to “Congressman Mark Green Expresses Concern over Further Commitment to World Health Organization”

  1. Reber Kennedy

    Thanks Mark for standing strong and doing what is right. We are proud of you always.
    Reber and Opal Kennedy

  2. 83ragtop50

    Not sure about Mr. Green’s motivation for voting for the Ukraine aid BUT that has nothing to do with giving away America’s sovereign authority to a corrupt global operation such as the WHO. Just think how great a country this would be if America surrendered (I used that term advisedly) to the global operation called the United Nations. Scary thought, isn’t it?!!

  3. william delzell

    What’s Mark Greene’s solution? To starve and kill all Third World children a’ la genocide?

  4. Dr. Malone hits it out of the park with this one: “Debt vs Autonomy
    The unresolved conflict between Jefferson and Hamilton enables WEF hegemony.”

  5. Aries9899

    I wish Rep Mark Green were just as concerned about his yes vote for a $40 billion package to Ukraine. I’m wondering which defense contractor Green is receiving donations from? A significant portion of that $40 billion is going to defense contractors. This is to replace what the defense contractors lost with business in Afghanistan. This $40 billion doesn’t help any citizens in Ukraine, it’s just a money laundering scheme.
